Join Derek and Jeremy, as they talk about software — from product design to software development to the soft skills you need to make it in the industry. They'll drop at least a few nuggets of wisdom each episode, 96.7% guaranteed.

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0 min
January 18, 2024

This week, our heroes explore the similarities between one-ply toilet paper and enterprise software. They highlight the challenges and potential solutions for enterprise software teams.

0 min
October 30, 2023

This is the story of a talented UX designer so obsessed with perfection that he literally loses himself in his design. Two brave interns decide to unravel this mystery, and what they find is beyond imagination.

0 min
October 30, 2023

This week, our heroes share a frightening tale of UX dark patterns. Some evil UX designers will use nasty tricks to get you to do their bidding. Don't fall for their traps. Pay attention to this cautionary tale.

Our Heroes


Derek Seibert


Jeremy Miller