
Join Derek and Jeremy, as they talk about software — from product design to software development to the soft skills you need to make it in the industry. They'll drop at least a few nuggets of wisdom each episode, 96.7% guaranteed.

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October 26, 2022

This week, our heros talk with Neil Thompson author and host of Teach the Geek. Neil gives advice on how to be a better public speaker, and offers some tips on things to do to avoid becoming a sweaty mess.

October 19, 2022

This week, our heroes dig into the interview archives to present Tom Greever, author of "Articulating Design Decisions." They'll talk about working with stakeholders and reveal how O'Reily picks cover animals.

October 12, 2022

This week, our heroes share a story of poor Wilcox Mudhoney, server administrator and walking disaster who never seemed to do anything right. His whole being existed in a purgatory of incompetence.

October 6, 2022

This week, our heros discuss the tricky situation of not figuring out what your co-workers do until it's too late, waiting until a week or two before they quit. You better not screw this up!

September 28, 2022

This week, our heroes share a frightening tale of UX dark patterns. Some evil UX designers will use nasty tricks to get you to do their bidding. Don't fall for their traps. Pay attention to this cautionary tale.

September 21, 2022

This week our heroes discuss the recent acquisition of Figma by Adobe for an obscene amount of USD. There may be lots of reasons to be weary of these developments, but losing a tool shouldn't be one of them.

September 14, 2022

This week, our heroes get ready for Halloween with a new series, In the Dark. Join Ronald as he goes on an adventure in the IBM server room late one night, in search of his best friend Peter.

September 8, 2022

This week our heroes discuss the five phases of a teams development from forming all the way until the bitter end. These stages are normal and most every team goes through them.